RSV symptoms in babies, RSV symptoms in toddlers

RSV or Respiratory Syncytial Virus is a common infection seen during the winter months. However, we are seeing this infection all across the United States during summer this year. The reasons for this are unknown.
RSV commonly infects children and can be severe in some children. Almost all children will have had an RSV infection before the age of 2 years.
Infants may have symptoms of fever, irritability, cough, runny nose, and decreased oral intake. If your child has irregular breathing or apnea, call 911 immediately.
Older children may have similar symptoms although the fever may be low grade, bit more commonly the runny nose and cough may be prominent.
The illness lasts up to a week or so and most of the time is self-limited. However, there is a risk of super-imposed infections such as pneumonia, ear infections and should be watched carefully. It is best to get your child checked out at the pediatrician's office to make sure that your child’s oxygen saturation is okay and she/ he is not developing signs of respiratory distress.
It is best to check with the pediatrician if you are concerned about your child having an RSV infection.
Although there is no treatment per se, hand washing, avoiding close contact with sick people, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces help prevent the spread of infection.
People infected with RSV usually show symptoms within 4 to 6 days after getting infected. Symptoms of RSV infection usually include
- Runny nose
- Decrease in appetite
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Fever
- Wheezing
These symptoms usually appear in stages and not all at once. In very young infants with RSV, the only symptoms may be irritability, decreased activity, and breathing difficulties.
Please call us at (602) 610-7337 to set up an appointment and our office can test and evaluate your child. Or book your appointment online at www.caringpediatric.com and book appointment.
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