
Caring Pediatrics

Pediatricians located in Tempe, AZ

If your child often feels nauseous after eating certain foods, or coughs and sneezes constantly when exposed to particular irritants, they may have an allergy. Early diagnosis is crucial in treating childhood allergies, which is why experienced pediatrician Rahul Bhatia, MD, MPH, FAAP, FCCM, and the team perform comprehensive allergy screenings and food sensitivity panels at Caring Pediatrics in Tempe, Arizona. Learn more about childhood allergies by calling Caring Pediatrics or booking an appointment online.


What are allergies?

Allergies are hypersensitive immune system responses to substances — called allergens — that are typically harmless to most people. When a person is allergic to a certain substance, their immune system attacks it, sparking reactions that can range in severity from mild to fatal.

What are the most common allergies in children?

While an allergy can develop at any time, they are most common in children with parents who also have allergies. Some common allergy triggers during childhood include:


The American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology estimates that as many as six million children have some form of food allergy. Many experts believe a mother can even pass on a food allergy to her infant while breastfeeding. While any type of food can trigger an allergic reaction, the most common are peanuts, milk, eggs, shellfish, tree nuts, soy, and milk.


Many children with allergies notice their symptoms worsening when exposed to outdoor triggers like pollen or insect bites.


Common indoor allergy triggers in children include pet dander (fur), mold, or dust mites.

If you suspect your child has an allergy, watch out for certain irritants, such as perfume, cigarette smoke, and car fumes, as these can cause your child’s allergy symptoms to worsen.

What symptoms might children experience?

Allergy symptoms often mimic the symptoms of a common cold, especially in children. Call the expert pediatricians at Caring Pediatrics right away if your child has one or more of the following allergy symptoms:

  • Constant sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy eyes
  • Upset stomach
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Wheezing

Stuffy nose

Allergies are one of the most common causes of nasal congestion in children. Without proper treatment, your child may start to breathe through their mouth, leading to poor sleep quality. In fact, nasal congestion caused by allergies can even affect your child’s teeth and facial bone growth.

Ear infections

Ear infections cause inner ear inflammation and can even lead to fluid accumulation and decreased hearing. 

Hay fever

Hay fever caused by allergies may result in watery and itchy eyes, postnasal drip, sneezing, a stuffy nose, and even ear pain.

How are allergies treated?

An allergy diagnosis depends on the type of allergy your child has. The Caring Pediatrics team may eliminate certain foods from your child’s diet, run blood tests, or inject an allergen under their skin to determine the right diagnosis.

Once you have a diagnosis, the team can recommend one or more of the following allergy treatments:

  • Avoiding allergy triggers
  • Immunotherapy (allergy shots)
  • Antihistamines
  • Decongestants
  • Nasal steroid sprays

When it comes to treating your child’s allergies, you and your family have options at Caring Pediatrics. Call the office or schedule an appointment online today to learn more.